Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I just wanted to touch base and say Hey!!! I haven’t posted in a few weeks because I am simply exhausted. Starting a blog in the last semester of graduate school seems a little Looney Tooney now especially so when I’m taking 17 hours!!! But I love this; this blog is my new baby since the 15 year-old baby that I do have, is going to drive me into an early grave. I try my best to be a loving, giving and supportive mother so tell me why I am being punished??? I was a pretty good kid; I do not feel I deserve this punishment but that’s a whole other story. This may be the only blog that gives you assignments but I feel that it may be beneficial to all who has ever felt just an ounce of what I'm going through (sort of therapeutic) also.  As I’ve said before I need your help – just to talk, to motivate, give tips, recipes and maybe post an article or two. With the feedback so far and my research, I’ve made lots of changes and made new goals.
My goals and progress thus far:

  • I’ve lost 15 pounds, I weigh myself on Monday morning only
  • I’ve lost 1 inch off of my thighs
  • My blood sugar is going down, in the past it has been 300+, but lately it has been in the 100’s, which is a major accomplishment (normal range is 80-120) !!!!
  • I’m eating better and its getting easier to make better choices (as long as I’m prepared)
  • I’ve added some vitamins and supplements (per Oprah) vitamin D is an excellent choice and helps with weight loss
Thus still a long way to go but taking it one day at a time.

  • I’ve tried many exercises, tried a little yoga; my body is not ready to stretch that way.
  • I tried a Biggest Loser video; these breasts are not ready for jumping jacks. J
  • Leslie Sansone walking videos are very good.
I’m taking my time this journey and educating myself. My intentions were to post my stats (weight and measurements) but that is going to take another month or so; I’m still talking myself into that.

So what I need from all of this time is to share by:  posting any low calorie recipes you have or any tips that may have helped you,  or even post questions that you may have and please, feel free to share my blog with others. I want to thank all of you and tell you that I honestly love the comments (even though most of you feel the need to text instead of post on the site); don’t be afraid to post, let’s share this journey with all!

Quote of the Day:
The word impossible soooooo clearly says IM POSSIBLE!!!! revrun

Until next time,
I am powerful beyond measure, beautiful inside and out

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Little Pink Book

The Little Pink Book   

Whew!!!!! It has definitely been a long week. I am definitely getting my exercise in…DISD has the most freaking stairs at all of their schools, it’s ridiculous. It’s like in the Rocky movie when he is running up all those stairs and you throw your hands up because you feel victorious when you get to the top. I am proud of myself that I have not gone to find the elevator; but let me tell you about these stairs – I see the stairs, mentally prepare myself and take a deep breath and go for it. The first set I’m thinking, “I can do this (I can get my fat ass up these stairs)”. The second set an ache starts to set in my legs. Then the 3rd set, hell I’m huffing and puffing. At this point I am thinking I’m done but as I open the door to the school and guess what? – more DANG stairs!! Now there is somebody sitting at the top of these stairs looking at me come in the door.  So I try to smile while trying to catch my breath (while trying to act like I’m breathing normally), believe me, it’s harder than it looks. J There’s this man at one school that sits at the top of the stairs and irks the heck out of me. I decided the other day that this particular day I was going to sign in and just act like I didn’t see him sitting there (mind you he’s only an arm’s length away). So of course he talks to me today of all days, and his words were “You look like you need prayer”. I’m sure I probably did after huffing and puffing up ALL THEM DANG stairs…….smiling while I was trying to catch my breath and trying to ignore him at the same time!!! All kidding aside – I need all the prayer I can get.

Now here’s what I really came to talk about.

I have contemplated and contemplated on which diet to choose or not so much a diet but a lifestyle change. If anyone knows me and has been to my house it sometimes looks as if a tornado hit it. I think this is a rebellion from my Girlstown days, when if you didn’t clean your room all your drawers may be dumped on the floor when you returned from school; all that to say I sometimes lose things but for almost 4 years I have kept up with this little pink book. What is the “little pink book”? When I was first diagnosed as a diabetic, I attended some education classes and as a part of that class a nutritionist made a diet plan - a 1200 calorie diet plan attached to a little pink meal planning guide. That I can find the book is simply miraculous.  I'm stubborn and like creating my own stuff but I think there is some reason why I keep finding this book just like if you buy a lottery ticket and the clerk gives you the wrong one but now you have to take that ticket too because it may be a winner - ok, maybe not the same but you get my drift.

The Plan
3 carbohydrates (45 grams)
0-1 meat
1-2 fat group

3 carbohydrates (45 grams)
1-2 vegetable group
3-4 oz meat
1-2 fat group

1 carbohydrate choice (15 grams)

3 carbohydrates (45 grams)
1-2 vegetable group
3-4 oz meat
1-2 fat group
Total calorie intake 1200-1300

Seems simple enough because for each category above there is a page number beside it which foods you can eat in the little pink book. So this is my starting point food wise. I can't decide whether I want to do exercise video's at home or get a gym membership.

The above is my flashback picture would be my goal weight maybe a little smaller. To get there I need to lose more than 150 pounds. Seems like it would and will take forever, that's why my first goal is 30 pounds so I can feel like I have accomplished something. I am confident that if I drop 50 - 60 pounds I can drop the diabetes meds which would be a reward in itself.

So pray for me....I have a lot going on and long journey ahead but I am at a really good place right now. My problem growing up was that I could place value on anything or anybody but could never see the value in myself. I know that's not true, I am powerful beyond measure, beautiful inside and out.(I think that’s my new slogan) It’s time I believe it, I feel it and I see it.

Well I decided on the gym!! I got a trainer to take me through the ropes and get me on the right foot. We already had an issue (a small one) – the treadmill. Now I’m not tall by any means, hence my legs are not that long. So I was walking on the treadmill and he’s standing beside me SMILING. His smile was throwing me off but that wasn’t the issue. He kept pushing the buttons on the treadmill making it go faster and faster; that’s to be expected. I was starting to feel like I was going to fly off the treadmill, so he pushed the button up and I pushed the button down and back and forth I was thinking if I fly off of this treadmill it’s gonna be a misunderstanding in this gym and stop SMILING at me. Smiling and sweating do not go together!!! You’ll be happy to know I let him make it, especially since I’m down 12 pounds!!!!
(I am powerful beyond measure & beautiful inside and out)

Quote of the Day:
If you fail people will say “I knew it” if you win they'll say “I knew it” (revrunwisdom)